LLC HOA Auto Import 12 March \ 08 : 41

Customs Clearance Calculator in Georgia

  • ganbajeba.excose:
  • Customs services:
  • Import Tax:
  • Export Tax: 20
  • Customs declaration: 30
  • Tech. Documents: 72


To calculate the import tax, we multiply the cubic capacity of the car's engine by 0.05 and add the resulting number to the product of the age of the car, the cubic capacity of the engine and 0.0025. That is, import tax=(cubic capacity*0.05)+(cubic capacity*age*0.0025).

To this amount is added the fee for the vehicle's technical passport, technical inspection and license plate, which is fixed at 72 GEL for a car.

👽 Created by: Sharia.Design
👽 Created by: Sharia.Design